Population data at LU
A cohort is a closed group of individuals included in a scientific study. Extensive researcher-generated data are often collected for cohorts at enrolment, which are then followed longitudinally with respect to disease or other outcomes.
Cohorts hosted by LUPOP
Other LU cohorts
- ANDIS (Alla Nya Diabetiker i Skåne)
- EpiHealth (in collaboration with Uppsala University)
- DiPiS (DiabetesPrediktion i Skåne)
- GÅS (Gott Åldrande i Skåne, in collaboration with Skåne University Hospital)
- Lundbystudien
- MFM (Malmö Förebyggande Medicin)
- MKC (Malmö Kost Cancer)
- MOS (Malmö Offspring Study)
- SCAPIS (in collaboration with the Universities/University Hospitals in Göteborg, Linköping, Stockholm, Uppsala, and Umeå)
- SIP (the Swedish Interdisciplinary Panel)
- TEDDY (Omgivningsfaktorers betydelse för uppkomst av diabetes hos barn)

Swedish National Data Service