The Swedish Cancer Register
The National Prostate Cancer Register
Evaluation of data quality in the National Prostate Cancer Register of Sweden
Capture rate and representativity of The National Prostate Cancer Register of Sweden
The Rectal Cancer Register
The Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry
Other Cancer Registers
Introducing Patient Reported Outcome in the Acute Leukemia Quality Registries in Sweden
A population based pediatric oncology registry in Southern Sweden: the BORISS registry
Validation of data quality in the Swedish National Register for Oesophageal and Gastric Cancer
Validation of data quality in the Swedish National Register for Breast Cancer
Validation of data quality in the National Swedish Kidney Cancer Register
A research portal maintained by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).
Statistics Sweden
- Available registers (in Swedish)
- Guide to requesting data (in Swedish)
National Board of Health and Welfare
- Available registers (in Swedish)
- Guide to requesting data (in Swedish)
- Translation of register names