Sustainable living environments
Densifying the cities without increased environmental health burden - is it attainable?
EGRESS: Building egressibility in an aging society
- PI:Enrico Ronchi
- Contact person at Tornblad: Giedre Gefenaite
HEAP - Health promoting environments for an aging population
LivE-COVID-19: How can living environments buffer the consequences of prolonged social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- PI: Giedre Gefenaite
NordSOUND - Nordic studies on occupational and traffic noise in relation to disease
- PI: Mette Sörensen
- Contact person at Tornblad: Kristoffer Mattisson
- Project website
OLE - Outdoor living environments – systematic interdisciplinary studies of health effects and impact on social inequalities
RELOC-AGE: How do housing choices and relocation matter for active and health ageing?
- PI: Susanne Iwarsson
- Contact persons at Tornblad: Jonas Björk and Giedre Gefenaite

LUPOP drop-in
During the pandemic, the LUPOP drop-in will be online Tuesdays at 10-12am. For more info, click here.
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