Swedish National Data Service (SND) is a national resource that facilitates access to new and existing Swedish research data within and outside of Sweden. In 2018, SND received additional funding from the Swedish Research Council (VR) to launch SND 2.0, an enlarged and remodelled version of the existing SND. Thus, as of January 2018, SND is run by a consortium consisting of nine universities: University of Gothenburg, Chalmers University of Technology, Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Lund University, Stockholm University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå University, and Uppsala University.
The consortium universities contribute expert knowledge in the form of domain specialists, experts in various scientific fields or in areas of research data management. The domain specialists function as a bridge between groups of researchers and the research community at large, and between the data repository and the local units for research data support (Data Access Units; DAUs).
Read more about the SND consortium at SND's website.
Swedish National Data Service
Research Support
Research support at LU staff pages